(Translated by Google)
I have been suffering from stuttering since I was in elementary school, and when I looked it up on the internet, I learned that trauma release and subconscious adjustment treatments are effective, so I made an appointment in hopes of improving it even a little. After receiving treatment, my mind became clearer and my anxiety was relieved. I would like to ask for your help in the future as well.
Also, on a separate day, I asked for skeletal adjustment and autonomic nerve treatment for stiffness in my neck and shoulders that had been going on for several years. I was very happy that I was able to listen to my story so kindly and receive a very thorough treatment. -
M K10年来悩まされていた腰痛が、一度の施術で無痛になりました。真因を究明し、必要なことを必要なだけ行うスタイルに感服しました。「時間が来たのではい終わり」ではなく、こちらが納得するまで付き合ってもらえ...10年来悩まされていた腰痛が、一度の施術で無痛になりました。真因を究明し、必要なことを必要なだけ行うスタイルに感服しました。「時間が来たのではい終わり」ではなく、こちらが納得するまで付き合ってもらえました。
(Translated by Google)
The lower back pain that had been bothering me for 10 years became pain-free after just one treatment. I was impressed by his style of investigating the root cause and doing what was necessary. Instead of saying, ``It's time, it's over.'' They stayed with me until I was satisfied. -
sora riku信頼している友人に必ず楽にしてくれるから 信じて頼って大丈夫だからと鈴木先生と繋いでもらい本当に心を楽にして頂きました。 予約が取れなくなると困るので教えたくないくらいですが、本当に悩み困っておられ...信頼している友人に必ず楽にしてくれるから
(Translated by Google)
A friend I trust will definitely make things easier for me.
Dr. Suzuki connected me and told me that I could trust and rely on him and that it would be okay, and he really put my mind at ease.
I don't want to tell you about it because I'd be in trouble if I couldn't get a reservation, but for those who are really worried.
I'm thinking of writing.
Nowhere else will you find a teacher who treats you with such sincerity and compassion! is.
In my case, it was quite far away and it was difficult for me to go to the hospital, so I was able to adjust my mental health remotely via Zoom or LINE. After the session, you will be in a refreshing and purified state and guided in the right direction.
The other day, I took the plunge and went to Yokkaichi.
In a treatment room with a pleasant atmosphere
Touch directly the teacher's pure and beautiful heart.
a~. Is this what you mean? I am convinced.
I'm so jealous of my neighbors!
I will come all the way even if it takes time!
Until then, it will be far away, but from now on
Thank you very much m(__)m -
Ha何度か通わせて頂いておりますが、 整体の施術は丁寧にしっかり体の状態をみてしてもらえてるので、終わったあとは本当に体が軽くなります。 また、潜在意識に関するお話については、毎回驚きと気づきがあり、心...何度か通わせて頂いておりますが、
(Translated by Google)
I have visited you several times,
The chiropractic treatment carefully monitors the condition of your body, so you will feel really light after the treatment is over.
Also, when it comes to talks about the subconscious mind, I am surprised and enlightened every time, so I visit her as a place to detox my mind.
In the middle of talking about the subconscious mind, I feel a warm sensation in my body, and things often go smoothly in my personal life after that.
I trust him because he will take good care of me. -
Yumi Watanabeココロとカラダの繋がりを実感しました。ガチガチになっていたカラダをほぐしていただいて、帰宅後には久しぶりに心地よい眠りに落ちました!ありがとうございます😊 (Translated by Google) I realized the conn...ココロとカラダの繋がりを実感しました。ガチガチになっていたカラダをほぐしていただいて、帰宅後には久しぶりに心地よい眠りに落ちました!ありがとうございます😊
(Translated by Google)
I realized the connection between the mind and body. He helped me relax my stiff body, and when I got home, I fell into a comfortable sleep for the first time in a while! Thank you 😊 -
王銀鳳腕や肩が痛くて困っていました。 お友達のご紹介で津市から四日市まで試しに行ってみました。 腕と肩が痛かったのが、嘘のように終わってみたら、全然痛くなくて感動しました。 凄く気に入ったので、お友達に紹介...腕や肩が痛くて困っていました。
(Translated by Google)
I was suffering from pain in my arms and shoulders.
I went from Tsu City to Yokkaichi to try it out through a friend's introduction.
My arms and shoulders were sore, but when I finished it, I was so impressed that it didn't hurt at all.
I really liked it, so I introduced it to my friends.
Although it was a little far away, I'm glad I went to try it out. -
(Translated by Google)
I have lived with stuttering since I was a child. I came here because I wanted to change things that I had given up on because of my stuttering, such as work and relationships. The result was very good. It wasn't a drastic change, but I felt like my head was clearer. Since I was able to get rid of my anxiety about interpersonal relationships, I feel like I want to move forward with my interpersonal relationships in a positive manner!
I would like to ask for maintenance again! -
Nina頭痛でかなり悩んでいましたがここに来てからだいぶ頭痛の回数が減り日常生活において困ることが少なくなりました。また身体の調子がおかしくなったら行こうと思っています。 (Translated by Google) I used to ...頭痛でかなり悩んでいましたがここに来てからだいぶ頭痛の回数が減り日常生活において困ることが少なくなりました。また身体の調子がおかしくなったら行こうと思っています。
(Translated by Google)
I used to suffer from headaches quite a bit, but since coming here I have had fewer headaches and have had less trouble with my daily life. I'm thinking of going back if my body starts to feel weird again. -
古本貴之親身に色々と聞いて頂きすごく丁寧に施術して頂きました! (Translated by Google) He kindly listened to me about various things and performed the treatment very carefully!親身に色々と聞いて頂きすごく丁寧に施術して頂きました!
(Translated by Google)
He kindly listened to me about various things and performed the treatment very carefully! -
ゴムゴム長年首の痛みに悩まされておりましたが、先生に施術していただいたら、大分楽になりました! それ以外の身体の歪みを直して頂いり、色々と相談に乗って頂いたり、とても話しやすかったです! また再発した時は是...長年首の痛みに悩まされておりましたが、先生に施術していただいたら、大分楽になりました!
(Translated by Google)
I have been suffering from neck pain for many years, but after seeing a doctor, I felt much better!
She corrected other body distortions, gave me advice on various things, and was very easy to talk to!
Please let us know if it happens again! -
勝山紀子頚椎ヘルニアで、手術をするしかないと言われて諦めかけたところ、ご縁があり施術していただけることに。 まさかの一度の施術で痛みがなくなり、手の痺れもほぼなくなりました。今までの痛みに苦しんだ日はなんだ...頚椎ヘルニアで、手術をするしかないと言われて諦めかけたところ、ご縁があり施術していただけることに。
(Translated by Google)
I was told that surgery was the only option for my cervical disc hernia, and I was about to give up, but I was lucky enough to have the surgery done.
After just one treatment, the pain was gone and the numbness in my hands was almost gone. What was the last day you suffered from pain? ?
This was my second time here, and I would like to come back for maintenance in the future.
The treatment is soft and very careful. I could feel the doctor's desire to get rid of the pain as soon as possible, and it made me feel better.
I am so grateful that I was able to avoid surgery!
I look forward to working with you. -
あーあー時間をかけてとても丁寧に施術して頂き 右半身がとてもだるかったのですが、楽になりました (Translated by Google) Please take your time and perform the treatment carefully. My right side was very tired...時間をかけてとても丁寧に施術して頂き
(Translated by Google)
Please take your time and perform the treatment carefully.
My right side was very tired, but now I feel better. -
ちほ心も身体も疲れてた状態で伺いました。 親身になって話を聞いて頂き不安をなくしながらの施術でとても良かったです。 帰りには心も身体も楽になっていました。 また、よろしくお願い致します。 (Translated by G...心も身体も疲れてた状態で伺いました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited with a tired mind and body.
It was very nice to have the treatment done while listening to me kindly and alleviating my anxiety.
By the time I got home, my mind and body felt relaxed.
Thank you again. -
とも職業柄前かがみの姿勢が多く、肩こりや腰痛など身体の歪みが気になっていたので伺いました。最初のカウンセリングから丁寧に聞いてくれて説明もとてもわかりやすかったです。 施術も痛みなく優しくしてくださり、...職業柄前かがみの姿勢が多く、肩こりや腰痛など身体の歪みが気になっていたので伺いました。最初のカウンセリングから丁寧に聞いてくれて説明もとてもわかりやすかったです。
(Translated by Google)
I visited him because I often have to bend forward due to my job, and I was concerned about stiff shoulders, lower back pain, and other physical distortions. From the first consultation, he listened carefully and gave explanations that were very easy to understand.
The treatment was painless and gentle, and after it was over, I was moved by how much easier I was to move my body than when I first arrived, and the distortion was gone!
The doctor was very easy to talk to and listened to a lot of my concerns, which made my heart feel lighter. thank you very much!
I will also bring my children! -
西村拓也丁寧に施術していただき、非常に楽になりました。 施術を受けて、意識で身体にブレーキがかかることもよく分かりました。 (Translated by Google) The surgery was done very carefully and I felt very comfort...丁寧に施術していただき、非常に楽になりました。
(Translated by Google)
The surgery was done very carefully and I felt very comfortable.
After receiving the treatment, I understood that the brakes are applied to the body with consciousness. -
伊﨑順子以前から腰痛、肩凝りが酷くて 施錠をお願いしました。施錠前に身体の状態を丁寧にみて説明をしていただけてとても安心の出来る先生でした。 施錠中も心と身体は密接な関係があるとかで色んな話がきけて楽しい時...以前から腰痛、肩凝りが酷くて
(Translated by Google)
I have been having severe back pain and stiff shoulders for a long time.
I asked for it to be locked. He was a very reassuring doctor who carefully examined my physical condition and explained the situation before locking the door.
Even though the room was locked, we had a great time talking about the close relationship between the mind and body.
I want to go again. -
b t自身の体や心の状態を丁寧に確認しなから施術いただき、痛み・疲れがよくとれたと感じました! (Translated by Google) I carefully checked my physical and mental state before undergoing the treatment, an...自身の体や心の状態を丁寧に確認しなから施術いただき、痛み・疲れがよくとれたと感じました!
(Translated by Google)
I carefully checked my physical and mental state before undergoing the treatment, and I felt that my pain and fatigue were completely relieved! -
猪ノ口亜哉とても素敵な時間を過ごすことが出来ました。 痛みがある場所だけを癒すのではなく、心も一緒に癒せて頂けました。 また、行きたいです。 (Translated by Google) We had a wonderful time. I was able to not o...とても素敵な時間を過ごすことが出来ました。
(Translated by Google)
We had a wonderful time.
I was able to not only heal the painful area, but my heart as well.
I want to go again. -
770テッツ不調な箇所についてじっくり丁寧に説明して下さり、施術もとても丁寧です。 仕事柄、目、首、肩、腰など慢性的に痛みやダルさがありますので、じっくり治療して行きたいです。 (Translated by Google) He takes ...不調な箇所についてじっくり丁寧に説明して下さり、施術もとても丁寧です。
(Translated by Google)
He takes the time to explain the problem areas in detail, and the treatment is very thorough.
Due to my work, I have chronic pain and stiffness in my eyes, neck, shoulders, and lower back, so I would like to receive thorough treatment. -
佐村英之眼精疲労で悩んでました。 目薬をさして騙し騙しいましたが、 BellTree大さんで施術を受けたら驚くほどに楽になりました! (Translated by Google) I was suffering from eye strain. I tried to trick you by p...眼精疲労で悩んでました。
(Translated by Google)
I was suffering from eye strain.
I tried to trick you by putting eye drops on you, but
After receiving the treatment at BellTree University, I was surprised how much better I felt! -
奥谷優今まで股関節が痛くて、あぐらがかけなかった。この整体院さんに施術していただいて。あぐらがまたかけるようになった。 (Translated by Google) Until now, I had been having pain in my hip and couldn't sit...今まで股関節が痛くて、あぐらがかけなかった。この整体院さんに施術していただいて。あぐらがまたかけるようになった。
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Until now, I had been having pain in my hip and couldn't sit cross-legged. I had my treatment done at this chiropractic clinic. I can now cross-legged again. -
(Translated by Google)
My son (11 years old), who is a baseball player, used it for the first time. As a result of repeatedly jumping from high places while playing, he suffered from symptoms such as not being able to bend his back, sprint, or make sudden movements for about a month and a half, and tests at the hospital showed almost no abnormalities. Is there anything that can be done to address the fact that his symptoms are not improving and his physical and mental health is getting worse and worse as he is unable to participate in important competitions? I was looking for it.
That's when I was introduced to the teacher. The doctor was very kind and approached the treatment from various angles so as not to put any burden on my son.
After the treatment, I went to the park at the request of my son, and I was able to see my son, who couldn't sprint, dashing and moving his body up and down while moving smoothly on the park's playground equipment. My husband and I were filled with surprise and joy.
I was so happy that I cried tears...I can only thank my teacher.
I want to tell someone important to me. This is a chiropractic clinic that will truly make you feel that way! ! !
Thank you for your continued support.
thank you very much. -
太郎山田心のケアをしていただきました。 とても楽になりました。 これからも末永くよろしくお願いします。 (Translated by Google) They took care of my heart. It's been very easy. We look forward to your continu...心のケアをしていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
They took care of my heart.
It's been very easy.
We look forward to your continued support. -
早川文江股関節が痛くて、これでは、歳をとった時に歩けなくなる様に思って、口コミの良かった、こちらの整体院に行って見ました。綺麗な施術室で先生は、熱心で優しいです。 今回、3回目ですが、2回目の施術で股関節の痛...股関節が痛くて、これでは、歳をとった時に歩けなくなる様に思って、口コミの良かった、こちらの整体院に行って見ました。綺麗な施術室で先生は、熱心で優しいです。
(Translated by Google)
I had pain in my hip joint and thought that I would not be able to walk when I got older, so I went to this chiropractic clinic that had good reviews. The treatment room is clean and the doctor is enthusiastic and kind.
This is my third time, and the pain in my hip joint disappeared after the second treatment. Apparently, my body was distorted and the pain seemed to be coming from my lower back. He helped me find other painful areas and my body is improving.
Thank you for your continued dedication. Thank you again. -
Aina (vivi子)初施術です。 とても親身に身体と心に向き合って下さって、痛い箇所だけでなく、その根本からアプローチしていく方法がすごく良いなと思いました。 施術後は可動域が広がり、当日は身体がぐったりしますが次の日...初施術です。
(Translated by Google)
This is my first treatment.
I thought it was great that he treated my body and mind with such compassion, and approached the root cause of the pain rather than just focusing on it.
After the treatment, your range of motion will increase, and although you may feel limp on the day of treatment, you will feel lighter the next day.
The room was also very clean and had a nice atmosphere.
I would like to come back again. -
天女紅先生の施術を 体験させて頂けるチャンスがあったので受けたのですが その時に 他の整体で指摘されたことのなかった事を 言われました。自覚が無いことでとても気になってちゃんと受けることにしました。 お話...先生の施術を 体験させて頂けるチャンスがあったので受けたのですが その時に
他の整体で指摘されたことのなかった事を 言われました。自覚が無いことでとても気になってちゃんと受けることにしました。
お話をじっくりと聞いてもらえて 施術もじっくりとそして丁寧だなぁと感じました。指摘のあったところも 痛みがあったわけではないけれど 改善し足が軽くなりました。頭痛 肩の痛みに 枕のアドバイスを受けて 実行すると快適な睡眠に!
又 帰宅して心身ともに軽くなるのも嬉しいです。自分の為に ゆっくりメンテナンスをしたい方には 本当に体験してもらいないなぁと思います
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I had a chance to experience the doctor's treatment, so I took it.
He told me things that I had never heard from other chiropractors. I was very concerned because I wasn't aware of it, so I decided to take it properly.
I felt that he listened carefully to my story and that the treatment was thorough and thorough. Although I didn't have any pain in the area that was pointed out to me, it improved and my legs felt lighter. For headaches and shoulder pain, follow the advice on pillows and get a comfortable night's sleep!
I'm also happy to go home and feel lighter both physically and mentally. I don't think people who want to do maintenance slowly for themselves should really experience it. -
giri oni前回施術して頂いてかなり楽になったのでリピートで来店しました^ ^ いつも身体の悪い所を隈なく診ていただいて丁寧に施術してくださり、身体の痛みがとれて楽になって帰れます! とても優しくて安心と信頼できる...前回施術して頂いてかなり楽になったのでリピートで来店しました^ ^
これからも通いたいと思います^ ^
(Translated by Google)
I felt much better after my last treatment, so I came back again ^ ^
He always examines all the bad parts of my body and carefully performs the treatment, so I can go home feeling relieved and pain-free!
Very kind, safe and reliable
A chiropractor run by a teacher
I would like to continue coming here ^ ^ -
1級 JIS眼精疲労の悩みがありましたがここに行くと改善します。 私の場合、目の痛みは慢性的でモニターを変えブルーライトカットのオーバーグラスをつけ蛍光灯を変えたりもしました。 今ではだいぶ良くなりました。 とて...眼精疲労の悩みがありましたがここに行くと改善します。
(Translated by Google)
I had a problem with eye strain, but it gets better when I go here.
In my case, my eye pain was chronic, so I changed my monitor, wore overglasses that cut out blue light, and changed my fluorescent lighting.
It's much better now.
I think it's a very good clinic.
Your hands will feel warm and have a relaxing effect. -
(Translated by Google)
I had pain in my shoulders and groin that was causing me to wake up many times during the night, and even though I had received treatment elsewhere, the treatment itself was painful and scary, but I was in trouble because it didn't go away, but here I received treatment that was completely painful. Even though I didn't do it, the pain gradually improved, and after a few visits, the pain was gone. Thanks to you, I was able to go to Disney for the first time in 6 years, and I was able to walk for three days without any problems, so it felt like a dream, and I'm very grateful❗ -
あーちんずっと右の骨盤が痛く歩く時も手で押さえてないと歩けない日々が続いていました。 病院で色々と検査してもらっても異常なく痛み止めと湿布だけでした。 このまま歩けなくなるのではと不安な時に縁あって先生に出...ずっと右の骨盤が痛く歩く時も手で押さえてないと歩けない日々が続いていました。
(Translated by Google)
My right pelvis had been hurting for a long time and there were days when I couldn't walk without holding it down with my hand.
I had various tests done at the hospital, but nothing was found wrong and all I was given was painkillers and compresses.
At a time when I was worried that I would never be able to walk again, I happened to meet a doctor and started receiving treatment, and now I can walk normally without any pain.
You can rest assured that we will explain the reason for your pain in an easy-to-understand manner.
I'm really glad I met you.
I will continue to go for maintenance so that I can walk without anxiety. -
(Translated by Google)
About 15 years ago, I hit my left shoulder while playing sports and had trouble raising my left shoulder, but after receiving the treatment, I was able to raise it. To be honest, I had given up so I was really surprised when it started going up. My right shoulder hasn't improved yet, but the doctor said that if I continue the treatment it will get better, so I plan to continue going there. I would like to comment here in hopes that it will be helpful for those who have physical problems like me. -
あーい家族で通ってます。 痛みに寄り添ってくれてとても親身になってくれる先生です。重い体が帰りには軽くなりました。 《大切な人に教えたい整体院》の通りです。 (Translated by Google) I go there with my famil...家族で通ってます。
(Translated by Google)
I go there with my family.
He is a very empathetic doctor who helps me with my pain. My heavy body felt lighter on the way home.
This is the street of ``Chiropractic clinic that you want to tell your loved ones about''. -
ロビンずっと足の付け根の痛みで、色々な整骨院に通ってましたがスッキリしないまま悩んでた時に、チラシが入ってきたので試しに行ってきました。 今まではどこに行っても同じ事ばかり言われてましたがここの先生だけは...ずっと足の付け根の痛みで、色々な整骨院に通ってましたがスッキリしないまま悩んでた時に、チラシが入ってきたので試しに行ってきました。
(Translated by Google)
I had been going to various osteopathic clinics for a long time because of pain in the base of my foot, but just when I wasn't feeling refreshed, I came across a flyer so I went to try it.
Until now, I was always told the same thing no matter where I went, but the teachers here were different! He was very thorough in explaining the reason for the pain and what was really wrong with it, and allayed my concerns.
I also learned the importance of body maintenance and decided to take better care of my body from now on. I go to maintenance for myself who is working hard.